Biomining ’20

June 8, 2020 12:00 am, Falmouth, UK, June 8-9, 2020

Biomining ’20 will focus on the latest developments in the field of biohydrometallurgy and bioprocessing: the development, optimisation and application of integrated biomining process operations for mineral ores, including low grade and complex ores; the microbiology of biomining and the application of biohydrometallurgy, bioflotation and other technologies to novel resources (such as mine and electronic wastes) and the (bio)remediation of mining-impacted environments.

  1. Biomining Process Development:
  • Development and optimisation of biohydrometallurgy processes, including sub-processes of biohydrometallurgy, reactor systems, hydrodynamics and modelling
  • Associated Unit operations, Up- and Downstream processing (including waste management) etc.
  1. The Microbiology of Biomining:
  • Microbial ecology and succession, both description and kinetics
  • Microbial consortia and bioprospecting,
  • Certain fundamental aspects.
  1. Biohydrometallurgy Applications:
  • Biomining (i.e. Bioleaching, Biooxidation) applications – both heap and tank
  • Novel and potential resources (e.g. electronic and other metallic wastes)
  • Bioremediation applications (e.g. the treatment, prevention and prediction of AMD, metal recovery from wastes etc.)
  • Other biotechnologies in mining and metallurgical industries.
